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Hygain Regain is rapid electrolyte replacer formulated for horses to replace body salts lost during exercise, hot climatic conditions and as an aid in the treatment of dehydration, hypochloraemia and alkalosis.
Contains 215g/kg sodium, 468.5g/kg chloride, 152g/kg potassium and 17.25g/kg magnesium.
Sodium and Chloride: Common salt (NaCl), which is composed of two ions, sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl-). They are the major electrolytes of the body.
Potassium: One of potassium’s major roles is to maintain and ensure correct cellular osmotic pressure which affects the sensitivity of nerves and muscles to impulses. Horses suffering from a lack of potassium are prone to fatigue, muscle weakness, exercise intolerance, tying-up and decreased water intake.
Magnesium: Magnesium plays a critical role as a co-factor inver 300 enzymatic reactions within the body. Magnesium is also requires for muscle function and is essential for DNA to send messages to he cells.
Calcium: Deficiencies of calcium in its ionic form may lead to muscle weakness and condition s such as tying up and ‘thumps’.

Hygain Regain is rapid electrolyte replacer formulated for horses to replace body salts lost during exercise, hot climatic conditions and as an aid in the treatment of dehydration, hypochloraemia and alkalosis.
Contains 215g/kg sodium, 468.5g/kg chloride, 152g/kg potassium and 17.25g/kg magnesium.
Sodium and Chloride: Common salt (NaCl), which is composed of two ions, sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl-). They are the major electrolytes of the body.
Potassium: One of potassium’s major roles is to maintain and ensure correct cellular osmotic pressure which affects the sensitivity of nerves and muscles to impulses. Horses suffering from a lack of potassium are prone to fatigue, muscle weakness, exercise intolerance, tying-up and decreased water intake.
Magnesium: Magnesium plays a critical role as a co-factor inver 300 enzymatic reactions within the body. Magnesium is also requires for muscle function and is essential for DNA to send messages to he cells.
Calcium: Deficiencies of calcium in its ionic form may lead to muscle weakness and condition s such as tying up and ‘thumps’.