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REVOLUTION is a "spot-on" medication that:
REVOLUTION is a "spot-on" medication that:
does the job, no side effects. Used on rats.
I used this to treat our guinea pigs for mites & it was amazingly effective. Mite sprays I had tried from other pet shops did nothing. Vetnpetdirect offered the best value around.
I use this product for our 2 guinea pigs and also on our rabbit to treat lice, fleas & mange. A highly affective product and very safe to use on small animals.
I have been consistently using this product on a monthly basis for my two cats. I am happy with this product because I have not seen any sign of ticks or fleas on them. In addition, they both recently did a poo test and there was no sign of any worms either, so clearly this product is doing its job.
I am a registered breeder of persians and exotics, and there is not a month that I miss using revolution, covers the lot, I would highly recommend this product.
REVOLUTION is a "spot-on" medication that:
REVOLUTION is a "spot-on" medication that: