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Helped clear up the mites in my alpaca
Have always used this as it works!!! I have two dogs and two cats... So the individual pipettes can Work out rather expensive for my household. Buying this... Solves all our problems. Works Fast.... Easy to use, less stress than having to Bribe your dog or cat to swallow a tablet.
Easy to use, had flea problem under control in 24 hours and the dog is no longer scratching.I now cannot find any fleas on him at all. I will continue to use this product.
I like this product because it is so much more economical to use than the pipettes. I am part of a rescue group so each dog that arrives in my care needs to be flea treated immediately. Being able to give them a quick cover with Frontline Spray is so easy and they are immediately covered for fleas before I can get them in for a vet check.