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Sykes Hartmann’s IV Infusion Solution is an ideally designed crystalloid solution. It is intended to be used for effective intravenous management in cattle, calves, horses, dogs and cats. It replaces mineral salts and body fluids that are lost for many different medical reasons.
When acid ratio increases in blood, Hartmann’s IV Infusion Solution is the most suitable decision.
Hartmann’s IV fluids can assist with
• Intravenous fluid therapy and management
• Maintaining / stabilising venous infusion BP
• Great replacement of lost mineral salts and body fluids
Sykes Hartmann’s IV Infusion Solution is solely for “Animal Health Use Only”
Sykes Hartmann’s IV Infusion Solution is an ideally designed crystalloid solution. It is intended to be used for effective intravenous management in cattle, calves, horses, dogs and cats. It replaces mineral salts and body fluids that are lost for many different medical reasons.
When acid ratio increases in blood, Hartmann’s IV Infusion Solution is the most suitable decision.
Hartmann’s IV fluids can assist with
• Intravenous fluid therapy and management
• Maintaining / stabilising venous infusion BP
• Great replacement of lost mineral salts and body fluids
Sykes Hartmann’s IV Infusion Solution is solely for “Animal Health Use Only”
Sykes Hartmann’s IV Infusion Solution is an ideally designed crystalloid solution. It is intended to be used for effective intravenous management in cattle, calves, horses, dogs and cats. It replaces mineral salts and body fluids that are lost for many different medical reasons.
When acid ratio increases in blood, Hartmann’s IV Infusion Solution is the most suitable decision.
Hartmann’s IV fluids can assist with
• Intravenous fluid therapy and management
• Maintaining / stabilising venous infusion BP
• Great replacement of lost mineral salts and body fluids
Sykes Hartmann’s IV Infusion Solution is solely for “Animal Health Use Only”
Sykes Hartmann’s IV Infusion Solution is an ideally designed crystalloid solution. It is intended to be used for effective intravenous management in cattle, calves, horses, dogs and cats. It replaces mineral salts and body fluids that are lost for many different medical reasons.
When acid ratio increases in blood, Hartmann’s IV Infusion Solution is the most suitable decision.
Hartmann’s IV fluids can assist with
• Intravenous fluid therapy and management
• Maintaining / stabilising venous infusion BP
• Great replacement of lost mineral salts and body fluids
Sykes Hartmann’s IV Infusion Solution is solely for “Animal Health Use Only”