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Flukazole C Plus Selenium is for the control of benzimidazole-sensitive mature and immature roundworms, lungworms, tapeworms and early immature (including 2-week old fluke), immature and mature liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica) in cattle and sheep. It is also an aid in controlling selenium deficiencies.
Meat: 21 days
Milk: Do not use in animals, which are producing milk or milk products for human consumption. Do not use less than 21 days before calving in cows or lambing in ewes where milk or milk products from treated animals may be used for human consumption. Calves fed this milk should not be slaughtered for human consumption within 10 days. Lambs fed this milk should not be slaughtered for human consumption within 7 days.
ESI: Cattle: 56 days Sheep: 63 days
Flukazole C Plus Selenium is for the control of benzimidazole-sensitive mature and immature roundworms, lungworms, tapeworms and early immature (including 2-week old fluke), immature and mature liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica) in cattle and sheep. It is also an aid in controlling selenium deficiencies.
Meat: 21 days
Milk: Do not use in animals, which are producing milk or milk products for human consumption. Do not use less than 21 days before calving in cows or lambing in ewes where milk or milk products from treated animals may be used for human consumption. Calves fed this milk should not be slaughtered for human consumption within 10 days. Lambs fed this milk should not be slaughtered for human consumption within 7 days.
ESI: Cattle: 56 days Sheep: 63 days
Triclabendazole 120g/L; Oxfendazole 45.3g/L; Selenium (as sodium selenate) 1g/L
Triclabendazole 120g/L; Oxfendazole 45.3g/L; Selenium (as sodium selenate) 1g/L
Flukazole C plus Selenium is given orally at the recommended dose rate of 1mL/10kg bodyweight.
Cattle in excess of 650kg dosed at 5mL/50kg bodyweight. Sheep in excess of 75kg dosed at 1mL/10kg bodyweight.
Flukazole C plus Selenium is applied orally using standard drenching equipment. Shake well before use. Dose animals according to the heaviest animal by bodyweight in each group (bulls, cows, steers, calves; ewes, wethers, rams, lambs). Where there is a large variation in size within the group, draft into two or more lines based on bodyweight. A representative sample of animals from each group should be weighed before treatment. Do not underdose. Check accuracy of drenching equipment before and during use.
Flukazole C plus Selenium is given orally at the recommended dose rate of 1mL/10kg bodyweight.
Cattle in excess of 650kg dosed at 5mL/50kg bodyweight. Sheep in excess of 75kg dosed at 1mL/10kg bodyweight.
Flukazole C plus Selenium is applied orally using standard drenching equipment. Shake well before use. Dose animals according to the heaviest animal by bodyweight in each group (bulls, cows, steers, calves; ewes, wethers, rams, lambs). Where there is a large variation in size within the group, draft into two or more lines based on bodyweight. A representative sample of animals from each group should be weighed before treatment. Do not underdose. Check accuracy of drenching equipment before and during use.
Flukazole C Plus Selenium is for the control of benzimidazole-sensitive mature and immature roundworms, lungworms, tapeworms and early immature (including 2-week old fluke), immature and mature liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica) in cattle and sheep. It is also an aid in controlling selenium deficiencies.
Meat: 21 days
Milk: Do not use in animals, which are producing milk or milk products for human consumption. Do not use less than 21 days before calving in cows or lambing in ewes where milk or milk products from treated animals may be used for human consumption. Calves fed this milk should not be slaughtered for human consumption within 10 days. Lambs fed this milk should not be slaughtered for human consumption within 7 days.
ESI: Cattle: 56 days Sheep: 63 days
Flukazole C Plus Selenium is for the control of benzimidazole-sensitive mature and immature roundworms, lungworms, tapeworms and early immature (including 2-week old fluke), immature and mature liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica) in cattle and sheep. It is also an aid in controlling selenium deficiencies.
Meat: 21 days
Milk: Do not use in animals, which are producing milk or milk products for human consumption. Do not use less than 21 days before calving in cows or lambing in ewes where milk or milk products from treated animals may be used for human consumption. Calves fed this milk should not be slaughtered for human consumption within 10 days. Lambs fed this milk should not be slaughtered for human consumption within 7 days.
ESI: Cattle: 56 days Sheep: 63 days
Triclabendazole 120g/L; Oxfendazole 45.3g/L; Selenium (as sodium selenate) 1g/L
Triclabendazole 120g/L; Oxfendazole 45.3g/L; Selenium (as sodium selenate) 1g/L
Flukazole C plus Selenium is given orally at the recommended dose rate of 1mL/10kg bodyweight.
Cattle in excess of 650kg dosed at 5mL/50kg bodyweight. Sheep in excess of 75kg dosed at 1mL/10kg bodyweight.
Flukazole C plus Selenium is applied orally using standard drenching equipment. Shake well before use. Dose animals according to the heaviest animal by bodyweight in each group (bulls, cows, steers, calves; ewes, wethers, rams, lambs). Where there is a large variation in size within the group, draft into two or more lines based on bodyweight. A representative sample of animals from each group should be weighed before treatment. Do not underdose. Check accuracy of drenching equipment before and during use.
Flukazole C plus Selenium is given orally at the recommended dose rate of 1mL/10kg bodyweight.
Cattle in excess of 650kg dosed at 5mL/50kg bodyweight. Sheep in excess of 75kg dosed at 1mL/10kg bodyweight.
Flukazole C plus Selenium is applied orally using standard drenching equipment. Shake well before use. Dose animals according to the heaviest animal by bodyweight in each group (bulls, cows, steers, calves; ewes, wethers, rams, lambs). Where there is a large variation in size within the group, draft into two or more lines based on bodyweight. A representative sample of animals from each group should be weighed before treatment. Do not underdose. Check accuracy of drenching equipment before and during use.