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Ready steady hatch! The all in one solution to start hatching brine shrimp at home to produce fresh live food for your fish. Forget scales and salt, Ocean Nutrition have prepared the perfect mix for you.in this premix box.
Pack contains the ideal mix of Brine Shrimp Eggs and sea salt for 1 litre (28 gram sea salt and 2 gram of Artemia Cysts) or 2 litres of water(47 gram sea salt and 3 gram of Artemia Cysts). Simply add fresh water, aerate vigorously and you are ready to start hatching.
Note: To hatch Artemia cysts you will need a hatching container, air supply, heating, light source and a thermometer which are not included in this pack. You Tube is a great source of information on how to hatch brine shrimp and use as a live food for your fish.
Brine Shrimp could be hatched and raised for use as live food for these groups of fish:
Nano Reef, Dwarf Cichlids, Angels, Angels - Pygmy Angels, Livebearers, Shrimps, Pipefish, Shrimps, Damsels, South-American Cichlids, Tetras, Seahorses, Rainbow Fish, Angels, Danios, Mandarins - Cardinals, Hawkfish, Victoria Cichlids, Cichlids, Soft Corals, Razorfish, Invertebrates, Mollies, Discus, Gobies, Barbs, Discus - Angels, Blennies, Barbs - Tetras - Rasboras, Surgeonfish, Seahorses - Razorfish, Mandarins, Hard Corals, Tanganyika Cichlids, Crustaceans, Anthias, Gobies - Blennies, Rasboras, Crabs, Cardinals, Shrimps - Crayfish - Crabs, Malawi Cichlids, Damsels - Anthias, Clownfish, Butterflyfish, Killifish, Crayfish, Guppies, Platies, Pygmy Angels, Swordtails
Ready steady hatch! The all in one solution to start hatching brine shrimp at home to produce fresh live food for your fish. Forget scales and salt, Ocean Nutrition have prepared the perfect mix for you.in this premix box.
Pack contains the ideal mix of Brine Shrimp Eggs and sea salt for 1 litre (28 gram sea salt and 2 gram of Artemia Cysts) or 2 litres of water(47 gram sea salt and 3 gram of Artemia Cysts). Simply add fresh water, aerate vigorously and you are ready to start hatching.
Note: To hatch Artemia cysts you will need a hatching container, air supply, heating, light source and a thermometer which are not included in this pack. You Tube is a great source of information on how to hatch brine shrimp and use as a live food for your fish.
Brine Shrimp could be hatched and raised for use as live food for these groups of fish:
Nano Reef, Dwarf Cichlids, Angels, Angels - Pygmy Angels, Livebearers, Shrimps, Pipefish, Shrimps, Damsels, South-American Cichlids, Tetras, Seahorses, Rainbow Fish, Angels, Danios, Mandarins - Cardinals, Hawkfish, Victoria Cichlids, Cichlids, Soft Corals, Razorfish, Invertebrates, Mollies, Discus, Gobies, Barbs, Discus - Angels, Blennies, Barbs - Tetras - Rasboras, Surgeonfish, Seahorses - Razorfish, Mandarins, Hard Corals, Tanganyika Cichlids, Crustaceans, Anthias, Gobies - Blennies, Rasboras, Crabs, Cardinals, Shrimps - Crayfish - Crabs, Malawi Cichlids, Damsels - Anthias, Clownfish, Butterflyfish, Killifish, Crayfish, Guppies, Platies, Pygmy Angels, Swordtails
Ready steady hatch! The all in one solution to start hatching brine shrimp at home to produce fresh live food for your fish. Forget scales and salt, Ocean Nutrition have prepared the perfect mix for you.in this premix box.
Pack contains the ideal mix of Brine Shrimp Eggs and sea salt for 1 litre (28 gram sea salt and 2 gram of Artemia Cysts) or 2 litres of water(47 gram sea salt and 3 gram of Artemia Cysts). Simply add fresh water, aerate vigorously and you are ready to start hatching.
Note: To hatch Artemia cysts you will need a hatching container, air supply, heating, light source and a thermometer which are not included in this pack. You Tube is a great source of information on how to hatch brine shrimp and use as a live food for your fish.
Brine Shrimp could be hatched and raised for use as live food for these groups of fish:
Nano Reef, Dwarf Cichlids, Angels, Angels - Pygmy Angels, Livebearers, Shrimps, Pipefish, Shrimps, Damsels, South-American Cichlids, Tetras, Seahorses, Rainbow Fish, Angels, Danios, Mandarins - Cardinals, Hawkfish, Victoria Cichlids, Cichlids, Soft Corals, Razorfish, Invertebrates, Mollies, Discus, Gobies, Barbs, Discus - Angels, Blennies, Barbs - Tetras - Rasboras, Surgeonfish, Seahorses - Razorfish, Mandarins, Hard Corals, Tanganyika Cichlids, Crustaceans, Anthias, Gobies - Blennies, Rasboras, Crabs, Cardinals, Shrimps - Crayfish - Crabs, Malawi Cichlids, Damsels - Anthias, Clownfish, Butterflyfish, Killifish, Crayfish, Guppies, Platies, Pygmy Angels, Swordtails
Ready steady hatch! The all in one solution to start hatching brine shrimp at home to produce fresh live food for your fish. Forget scales and salt, Ocean Nutrition have prepared the perfect mix for you.in this premix box.
Pack contains the ideal mix of Brine Shrimp Eggs and sea salt for 1 litre (28 gram sea salt and 2 gram of Artemia Cysts) or 2 litres of water(47 gram sea salt and 3 gram of Artemia Cysts). Simply add fresh water, aerate vigorously and you are ready to start hatching.
Note: To hatch Artemia cysts you will need a hatching container, air supply, heating, light source and a thermometer which are not included in this pack. You Tube is a great source of information on how to hatch brine shrimp and use as a live food for your fish.
Brine Shrimp could be hatched and raised for use as live food for these groups of fish:
Nano Reef, Dwarf Cichlids, Angels, Angels - Pygmy Angels, Livebearers, Shrimps, Pipefish, Shrimps, Damsels, South-American Cichlids, Tetras, Seahorses, Rainbow Fish, Angels, Danios, Mandarins - Cardinals, Hawkfish, Victoria Cichlids, Cichlids, Soft Corals, Razorfish, Invertebrates, Mollies, Discus, Gobies, Barbs, Discus - Angels, Blennies, Barbs - Tetras - Rasboras, Surgeonfish, Seahorses - Razorfish, Mandarins, Hard Corals, Tanganyika Cichlids, Crustaceans, Anthias, Gobies - Blennies, Rasboras, Crabs, Cardinals, Shrimps - Crayfish - Crabs, Malawi Cichlids, Damsels - Anthias, Clownfish, Butterflyfish, Killifish, Crayfish, Guppies, Platies, Pygmy Angels, Swordtails